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Join And Feel The Thrill Of Vietnam Bike Tours Hanoi

Join And Feel The Thrill Of Vietnam Bike Tours Hanoi

  • Jan 02, 2019

Exploring the mystical land of Vietnam on motorbikes makes for a grand journey. You can ride Vietnam bike tours Hanoi by yourself or a pillion.  The streets of Vietnam are like small streams, and the bikes will feel like boats as you coast down the roads among waves of traffic. Make small pit stops at those street-side stalls to get a Vietnamese iced coffee or a baguette sandwich. This nation is a celebrated culinary junction of the world, and so, you can’t miss these stops.


A palace in the city

After the departure of the French in the year nineteen fifty-four, the nation’s first premier and president constructed the Independence palace as a demonstration of strength. The president ordered demolishment of the building after a failed assassination attempt. A new construction soon took its place with a new name; the Reunification Palace, which took place after the fall of Saigon in the nineteen seventies. Make sure to see this building which is the non-living witness of many events.


Bars and shops

After a full day of Vietnam bike tours Ho Chi Minh, you will surely want to grab a drink or check out the local shops. To do that, you should redirect to Dong Khoi, which spans from the Notre Dame cathedral right to the river of Saigon. This place is also a narrator of stories with a characterful road that plays a part in the modern history of Ho Chi Minh. The war of Vietnam is still ripe in the memories of history lovers, and you will come across the go-go bars at Dong Khoi that catered the GI soldiers.


Stoke the wanderlust

Many travel organizations are operating within the entire country specializing in managing Vietnam biking tours. With bikes, you can crack right into the heart of Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh or any other attraction. Traveling on foot will get you so far, but with bikes, you can cover longer distances in a lesser amount of time. Besides, it is entirely believable that you can contemplate the excitement of exploring a location on two-wheelers.
